
Showing posts from 2020

Milkha Singh's Run of Life!

I rarely relish Hindi movies. This is partly because of the fact that I find the story lines highly unbelievable. It’s great entertainment, but mainly unbelievable at any level. Unrealistic story lines, accentuated by actors exaggerating the persona’s; add to the overall um-believability element. It is common to see, military or police characters being portrayed caricaturishly; lack of attention to details (like ranks and insignias on uniforms; settings; unrealistic action sequences) etc.; all these factors over the years have kept me away from Hindi movies.   I’ve liked a few Bollywood movies; sometimes for the sheer entertainment factor and iconic dialogs; some for the individual acting talent in them; some have wonderful song sequences; but somehow I have rarely managed to enjoy Bollywood films as a whole package. However, Farhan Akhtar managed to convert me. With ‘Bhag Milkha Bhag’, he told an inspirational story, and portrayed the character in the most realistic way. ...