Bye-Bye Mr. Kasab
We Indians in general are known to be soft people. We are very unlike the Israelis (who obviously do not take kindly to being attacked and don’t mind bombing a country to oblivion ) , or the Americans (who don’t mind starting a full-fledged global war just because some building got bombed in their country). Despite of having the second largest standing army in the world we have never left our shores to attack another country and the only wars we’ve fought were the ones that were brought to our doorstep. We are known to be indecisive and soft when it comes to our own security and country! This may partially stem from the fact that India as a land always attracted varied people and races who started of by attacking us and then decided to settle down here when they realized that this was the Shangri-la they were searching for. We simply got used to being attacked in our own land and learned to live with the invaders as fellow countrymen. It may also have been perpetuated by the fact...