
Showing posts from 2011

Anna-isms : A Management Master Class

Anna Hazare’s campaign against corruption has caught the country’s imagination. For a generation that never had a chance to see how Gandhi managed to single handedly bring down the British government, this is a live history lesson. Though I personally have my own opinions around how our society can become more honest & forthright, I certainly admire the raw guts of Anna to take on the proverbial Goliath for bringing in the Jan Lokpal. While as a citizen I feel a sense of pride through this movement; for the manager in me, this brings a huge inspiration on many levels. The first and the most important lesson for me is the fact that this movement is all about Cause & Inspiration. The fact that People know they are fighting for a cause that is much greater than themselves brings them together. Ordinary citizens know & realize that what they are fighting for will probably determine what kind of society their children inherit and will significantly improve the daily experien...

Vodka Martini: “Bonded” for High Performance

The most memorable films that I have seen are almost always set against the backdrop of great historical events and/or have great story lines which showcase the human spirit under demanding circumstances. The Oscar winners (and this is my personal theory) are the ones that combine both of the above (Gone with the Wind, Dr Zhivago, Titanic, Enemy at the Gates; the list is endless). However, there is a certain genre of movies that do not have great story lines, nor do they showcase the triumph of the human spirit. They are not set against backdrop of any memorable events and yet are classics because they have one key character that holds the entire story line (however absurd it may be). This character makes the story believable, compelling and most of all it is this central character’s presence & performance that makes this movie a super hit or a classic. While these men & women do not have any superpowers, they however possess a certain trait that attracts us to them…they are ...