
Showing posts from October, 2010

Indiana Jones & the Power of Passion

The first thing that strikes you about any Indiana Jones movies is the adventure sequences and the clever story lines. Being a big Jones fan and having watched all his movies (multiple times), I always wondered what drives Indy into such crazy adventures. He is obviously not a very materialistic man. The only real possessions that he seems to have are his hat, his whip, his jackets, a revolver & his collection of books. In most of the movies he ends up taking the assignments to return the recovered artifacts to either a museum or the government. So what really makes him put his life & limb in danger while fighting off the tribes, the bandits, the communists, and the Nazi’s, and sometimes all of them together in a single movie (imagine the odds of that happening in real life!). Recently I came across the definition of the word Passion. Pash-uhn is defined as an emotion that traces its origins to the bible which uses it to define the suffering on the cross. It is defined as an